Election day is a day of opportunity to make a change for the better for our country. Participating in politics is a great opportunity to have your voice be heard. However, it can often be a challenge to understand what really is better for our country and how we can positively impact a country that is so large.
“Oh, it’s just weed.” I’ve heard this statement so many times. It seems like marijuana has become so common these days. Everywhere you look there are billboards and dispensaries on almost every corner. But what most people don’t realize is that today’s marijuana is not the same as your mama’s weed.
On October 3, 2020, a shooting took place at East Market Sharq. Three community members were injured and one has died. The shooter took his own life.
MAS-SSF expresses deep condolences and heartfelt grief. We would like to extend support to all members of our community who are suffering from this tragedy.