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Muslim TAY Advocacy Program

We are so excited to introduce our youth advocacy program to you!

As you may know MAS-SSF specializes in bringing mental health and wellness awareness to the community through our programs, resources and workshops. This new program is no exception. Our mission through this program is to create an environment for youth to feel empowered and capable to stand up for their rights to be involved in decision making at the local and state level.

About Our Program 

MAS-SSF has received a contract through CAYEN (California Youth Empowerment Network) to create a Muslim TAY Advocacy Program. TAY refers to transitional aged youth ages 15-25. This partnership is part of a statewide program partnered with 15 non-profits. This program has recruited youth from the Muslim community who are being trained in leadership and public speaking to make an impact regarding our Muslim youth’s needs. Part of this programs goal has been to identify a need in our community for Muslim and refugee youth and how to fulfill this need.

What Are We Working For?

Our youth have currently identified the need for a wellness center to be available on campus within the San Juan School District. They have also identified the need for peer and staff cultural competent workshops to be implemented within schools consistently. This is especially important as we acknowledge the increase of Afghan youth and families that will be joining Sacramento’s school districts.   

In our communities, our youth often feel that their voices are silenced and not taken seriously. This program gives a platform for youth voices to be heard and have a place in important decision making regarding youth. 

How can You Join?

We are currently recruiting passionate youth to join our Advocacy program and continue working to ensure that the refugee and Muslim youth in our communities are receiving the resources they desperately need. We can’t continue this initiative without you! Reach out to us to learn more about how we can work together to change the lives of our community for the better!

Join our initiative today by reaching out to us via email to get more information on our program and how you or a youth in your life can get involved. Most of our previous events are available on our social media platforms including the following:

Follow Us!

Instagram: @mas_ssf_sac       Youtube: @MAS-SSF      Facebook: @massssfsac

Our Youth Facilitated Events and Workshops!

Muslim TAY Advocacy Town Hall 2020

For more information on what this program is working for, watch our Muslim TAY Advocacy Town Hall 2020 highlighting why this wellness center is needed and what resources should be available to our Muslim and refugee youth

This youth town hall includes the following topics:


TAY Days at the Capital Workshop: Bringing Mental Health to Families

We have also facilitated a workshop for youth and adults during the Mental Health America of California (MHAC) TAY DAYS State Event called: Bring Mental Health to Your Family.

Our workshop begins at 1:27:20.


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