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ATTENTION STATE EMPLOYEES – Help Through Our Promise Campaign

By October 23, 2018No Comments

Assalamu Alaykum Dear Community Members –

InshaAllah this message reaches you in the best of health.

This communication is to all community members who are employed by the State of California.

I would like to invite  you to consider donating to the Muslim American Society- Social Services Foundation via “Our Promise Campaign,” Org Code # 25253. Our mission aims to aid families at large and the Muslim community in particular with their social service needs.

MAS-SSF is the only non-profit focused in providing  social services and referrals to the Muslim community for over 10 years in the Sacramento area. MAS-SSF provides counseling in the multiple languages representing the Muslim population, projects targeting youth and the elderly population and community education.

For more information, please visit to learn about the MAS-SSF projects.

I would like to get your attention in particular to all the community education workshops held at the various mosques including our upcoming workshop on Counseling 101, December 8th, at SALAM Islamic Center.  MAS-SSF strives to educate the community and bring awareness about the importance of seeking help and the importance of prevention efforts to help our community live a well-balanced life.


Tax ID # 36-4571903

MAS-SSF Promise Org Code # 25253


Kind Regards –


Gulshan Yusufzai

Executive Director