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A Message From MAS-SSF President – Tamer Ahmed

By June 6, 2018No Comments

Assalamu Alaykum Friends of MAS-SSF,

In these last 10 days of the blessed month of Ramadan, we wish to share with you some of our accomplishments, services and ask for your financial support.

The Muslim American Society – Social Services Foundation (MAS-SSF) is the only dedicated Islamic organization offering Shifa for Today Peer Counseling services for individuals and families that need help with their family social life.  We recruited and trained 24 Certified Peer Counselors.  We provide counseling in 10 languages including English, Arabic, Urdu, Hindi, Punjabi, Dari/Farsi and Pashto.

In March 2017, MAS-SSF was awarded a 5-year grant to develop the Shifa for Today Peer Counseling Program.  MAS-SSF is the first Muslim non-profit organization to have received a grant from the California Department of Public Health.  Even though the grant is a wonderful financial support, it requires a 25% match by MAS-SSF. The grant helped to build the infrastructure of MAS-SSF to deliver services, develop the Shifa for Today Peer Counseling Program, hire full-time Executive Director Gulshan Yusufzai and part-time Peer Lead Counselors Bibi Maryam and Maseh Stanikzai. Currently, we are building our financial system, policies and procedures along with training staff.

MAS-SSF has developed and is ready to deliver workshops on Bullying, Mental Health First Aid, Parenting Young Children, Counseling 101, and Parenting Teens.  If you would like to schedule any of these workshops for your institutions, please contact us at

Effective 2014, the Amala Youth Hope Line has provided peer support for youth facing issues in their lives. We have also organized activities for seniors under Al-Afia for Senior Program since 2016.

Please visit our new website for more information and sign-up for our weekly blog:

Please consider MAS-SSF while donating in this blessed month of Ramadan. We need your support to continue to offer these important social programs.  We can’t do it without Allah’s help and people like you.

Jazakom Allah Khair for your Support

Tamer Ahmed

MAS-SSF, President

Board of Directors

Please Donate Here