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Br. Mukhtar

Sr. Kulsum

“MAS-SSF is a unique organization and I have had a wonderful experience of working with MAS-SSF for four years now. And I have watched this team work very hard, over the years, to support the Muslim community.”
“Sometimes kindness, compassion, and caring are the best medicine there is. MAS-SSF peer support counselors are prepared to be that kind of support through difficult times.”
“MAS-SSF can help. MAS-SSF works on community and family wellness. They also do this with prevention by providing education and services to help increase the communities’ knowledge, and we learned about that from real people who have been helped by these services.”

Lisa St. George, MSW, CPRP, CPSVP Peer Support & Empowerment, RI International

Sr. Peshtanah

Sr. Heba

Adjusting to a new environment is very difficult for the refugee community, especially the youth. There is a lot of peer pressure when these young kids go to school and colleges, which often leads to mental health disorders. That is why we need agencies like MAS-SSF to provide the much-needed counselling services to youth and families to help them cope with difficult situations.”

Shaykh Sayed Waheed AhmadzadaMasjid Tawheed

Br. Basit

Sr. Warsan

“I am a tremendous believer in MAS-SSF and the great work they do.”
“One of the things we don’t know enough about is mental health. I am your supporter. I support what you are doing. MAS-SSF has proven themselves to be committed, dedicated, and growing. MAS-SSF is a wonderful organization that needs to be supported.”

Imam Siraj WahhajThe Muslim Alliance of North America

“MAS-SSF was one of our first member organizations and certainly over the years individuals from MAS-SSF have consistently been some of the most hardworking, most dependable, and most giving of our REMHDCO (Racial & Ethnic Mental Health Disparities Coalition) members. MAS-SSF has been a huge part of REMHDCO’s success in Sacramento.”
“All the work that REMHDCO has done would not be as powerful and effective without the help of MAS-SSF.”
“MAS-SSF should be supported because it has been the Muslim voice at the state level to represent the underserved communities for over twelve years since 2007. They are the only agency with the team of experts who represent all the cultures that exist in the Muslim communities, including the LGBT community. They understand all the languages spoken by your community.”

Stacie HiramotoDirector, Racial & Ethnic Mental Health Disparities Coalition

“Peer Support Services are evidence-based, and research has proven that they help. MAS-SSF has been providing those services from the beginning and there is no better organization than MAS-SSF to provide these services for the Muslim community. It’s an honor for me to donate and I encourage others to help MAS-SSF provide these services.”
“We need to let people know that hope is there, and the support is there. We have an incredible organization like MAS-SSF to support our Muslim, immigrant and refugee community and be able to spread the message that recovery is real.”

Khatera Aslami TamplenMHSOAC Commissioner
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