Substance abuse has been on the rise in the Muslim community. How do we begin to start the conversation with our youth about drugs and alcohol? If you suspect or know they are using or abusing drugs, how can you build a relationship of compassion and understanding so that they can open up and want to talk to you about what’s going on?
Learn practical tools you can use to address these challenges and more in our upcoming workshop What to Do & Say to Drug Proof Your Youth.
Topics covered include:
- How to connect on a genuine level, so both parties feel heard, understood, and respected.
- Tips to create emotional safety for deeper, difficult discussions
- Ways to roleplay with your youth so they can explore drug-free options and choices they may not have considered
- How the importance of addressing your family’s values and your child’s personal values is at the foundation of effective drug prevention
- How to intervene in a serious situation
Note: Local resources will be provided during the workshop
Bring Your Questions to the Q&A Session!
** We will provide a safe and confidential space. During the webinar, privacy settings will be enabled. Information about participants and questions submitted will not be visible to anyone except for the presenter and moderator **
Guest Speaker:
Cynthia Mumford, M.A., M.S. is the Executive Director of On Omni Youth Programs, a non-profit organization dedicated program to engaging the community to prevent youth alcohol, marijuana, and other drug use in Sacramento County –